This was the hive that fell over in a gust of wind earlier this week - bees absolutely gone as if they never were!
And I got to watch it! (sorry no video)
I was checking my other two hives for brood (none still!) and it was like someone had thrown a switch as the hive bees began to just pour out of the three entrance holes like their lives depended on it and all took flight (still not sure if queen survived the fall but maybe so given this action)

I followed them as they moved away, they landed in a tall cycad tree - out of access and reach
I placed a scented hive box/swarm trap near them but next morning they were gone to parts unknown.
So now down to two hives
In the afternoon I popped down to in-laws farm and dived into their junk pile hoping for some items to build a hive stand for my remaining two hives
Found a suitable steel frame, that I levelled out as much as possible and tied my hives to this to ensure no more falling hives.
Lesson learned!
Tomorrow I will be starting my relocation of the farm's kitchen cupboard hive
However, my bee keeping confidence is shallowishly low given the last few negative bee incidents
Still jumping in the deep end of pool to learn swimming is what i have done since a kid.
Here we go!
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