Saturday 27 August 2022

Mother-in-law and Wife get invovled

 August 1st 2022

Inspected a couple of hives at my inlaws property today that are there to pollinate her vegy patch and take advantage of any nectar in area (my place has nothing!!!)

Think the two hives are about to burst forth in growth and activity

Lots of brood, lots of larva about to b capped

Found both queens - awesome! - so much easier when they are marked

Found pollen, some honey stores - not bad for NUCs moved into full sized boxes only a few weeks ago

My wife and mother-in-law got involved and thoroughly enjoyed themselves - despite mother-in-law getting stung twice (black gloves??)

can we spot the white dot queen?

Lots of Pollen coming in and plenty of capped brood

lots of capped brood means lots more bees in the hive

These two now invovled and loving it - Wife and her mother!

some capped honey too!

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