Sunday 5 July 2020

20200705 - walk away splits

after 12 months of quiet - lost a few, saved a few 

but today................

Accomplished 3 walk away splits from my two big top bar hives this morning - hope they survive

Last split was doing well til sadly 1000s of green ants used a fallen branch as an access bridge to the hive and devastated the bees in the hive

Today, the big TB hives were very full of bees, brood and honey
Plenty of drone cell too, so preparing to swarm soon
So took a few frame of honey, some capped brood with nursery bees and eggs in cells to little top bar hives

This to see if the splits once they ralize no queen in hive - will take an egg and place in a super cell to.produce their own queen.

Will also stop potential swarming
The wind was up and along with my interference were not the happiest - hammering me regularly despite my bee suit

The big hives will fill up again with brood and honey real soon with the amount of pollen and nectar the field bees are bringing in plus the white gum tree flowers will b bursting forth real soon

While I put most of honey into the splits, I did manage to harvest 3 tubs of capped honeycomb and a small squeeze bottle 

Will need splits (& more) to go into the 10 new langstroth style hives I should finish next week - so here's hoping!

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